New sign up screen

For Rakuten

New sign up user flow and screen interaction

  • 2016
  • UI
  • UX

I did

  • Run a series of internal user interviews to identify all the pain points
  • Create a concept UI and interaction based on the findings
  • Deliver the new design to the development team

The interviews revealed several key pain points:

There is no visual hierarchy. This creates an unclear focal point for the user.

Too many instructions and warnings result in forcing users to read. It also requires a certain amount of time for the user to proceed to the next step.

So I simply removed all unnecessary text instructions in the first view. Important instructions appear below an input label when the input field gets activated.

As a result, we successfully removed visual clutter, which made the visual hierarchy way clearer.


Increased sign-up rate from 63% to 71%.
(As of August 2018)

Tools I used

  • Sketch
  • Prott

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